Most popular commands
The TOP 100 most popular (linux, unix, windows, osx, android, etc.) commands on tldr pages web wrapper yesterday.
- yt-dlp
- awk
- scp
- ed
- rpcclient (linux)
- vim
- cvs
- dart
- emacs
- xfreerdp (linux)
- ftp
- zsteg
- ftp (windows)
- binwalk (linux)
- gdb
- git-status
- git-pull
- less
- firefox
- git
- kotlin
- wpscan
- swift
- java
- go
- git-clone
- git-push
- git-init
- git-add
- julia
- deemix
- nano
- git-remote
- lua
- kotlinc
- scrcpy
- git-cp
- npm
- git-commit
- masscan
- zellij
- piactl
- az-logout
- pueue-edit
- find
- fc-list
- grep
- rsync
- zlib-flate
- diff
- git-lfs
- nmap
- iwctl (linux)
- ceph (linux)
- readelf (linux)
- checkupdates-aur (linux)
- genfstab (linux)
- phpenv
- nordvpn (linux)
- git-format-patch
- pwd
- ldapsearch
- hping3
- sc-im
- conan-frogarian
- docker
- psping (windows)
- dpkg (linux)
- apt (linux)
- nc
- az-storage-entity
- gh-release
- codespell
- resolvectl (linux)
- yay (linux)
- whatis (osx)
- tailscale-up
- openssl-genrsa
- gcc
- asciinema
- tailscale-file
- diskpart (windows)
- free (linux)
- xclip (linux)
- speedtest-cli
- pw-cat (linux)
- betterdiscordctl (linux)
- brew-cask
- tar
- chmod
- borg
- vimdiff
- gh-secret
- qutebrowser
- zip (linux)
- chars
- readlink
- puppet
- git-mergetool
- vgdisplay (linux)
- dumpe2fs (linux)
This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.