Enter a command. For example: sstat, rig, xset, qjoypad, pwd, nixos option.


Fast and advanced password recovery tool. More information:
  • Perform a brute-force attack (mode 3) with the default hashcat mask:
    hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{3}} {{hash_value}}
  • Perform a brute-force attack (mode 3) with a known pattern of 4 digits:
    hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{3}} {{hash_value}} "{{?d?d?d?d}}"
  • Perform a brute-force attack (mode 3) using at most 8 of all printable ASCII characters:
    hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{3}} --increment {{hash_value}} "{{?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a}}"
  • Perform a dictionary attack (mode 0) using the RockYou wordlist of a Kali Linux box:
    hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{0}} {{hash_value}} {{/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt}}
  • Perform a rule-based dictionary attack (mode 0) using the RockYou wordlist mutated with common password variations:
    hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{0}} --rules-file {{/usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule}} {{hash_value}} {{/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt}}
  • Perform a combination attack (mode 1) using the concatenation of words from two different custom dictionaries:
    hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{1}} {{hash_value}} {{/path/to/dictionary1.txt}} {{/path/to/dictionary2.txt}}
  • Show result of an already cracked hash:
    hashcat --show {{hash_value}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.