Enter a command. For example: auracle, btrbk, a2enmod, unshare.


Command-line interface for NordVPN. More information:
  • Interactively log into a NordVPN account:
    nordvpn login
  • Display the connection status:
    nordvpn status
  • Connect to the nearest NordVPN server:
    nordvpn connect
  • List all available countries:
    nordvpn countries
  • Connect to a NordVPN server in a specific country:
    nordvpn connect {{Germany}}
  • Connect to a NordVPN server in a specific country and city:
    nordvpn connect {{Germany}} {{Berlin}}
  • Set autoconnect option:
    nordvpn set autoconnect on

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.