Enter a command. For example: godoc, bandwhich, git ignore.


Declare variables and give them attributes. More information:
  • Declare a string variable with the specified value:
    typeset {{variable}}="{{value}}"
  • Declare an integer variable with the specified value:
    typeset -i {{variable}}="{{value}}"
  • Declare an array variable with the specified value:
    typeset {{variable}}=({{item_a item_b item_c}})
  • Declare an associative array variable with the specified value:
    typeset -A {{variable}}=({{[key_a]=item_a [key_b]=item_b [key_c]=item_c}})
  • Declare a readonly variable with the specified value:
    typeset -r {{variable}}="{{value}}"
  • Declare a global variable within a function with the specified value:
    typeset -g {{variable}}="{{value}}"

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