Enter a command. For example: flutter, git clear soft, gow.


Bundle the edges of a graph layout. Graphviz filters: acyclic, bcomps, comps, edgepaint, gvcolor, gvpack, mingle, nop, sccmap, tred, & unflatten. More information:
  • Bundle the edges of one or more graph layouts (that already have layout information):
    mingle {{path/to/layout1.gv}} {{path/to/layout2.gv ...}} > {{path/to/output.gv}}
  • Perform layout, bundling, and output to a picture with one command:
    dot {{path/to/input.gv}} | mingle | dot -T {{png}} > {{path/to/output.png}}
  • Display help for mingle:
    mingle -?

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