Enter a command. For example: resume, c99, nc, gh, sshpass, bg.


Command-line based program for indexing, searching, reading, and tagging large collections of email messages. More information:
  • Configure for first use:
    notmuch setup
  • Add a tag for all messages matching a search term:
    notmuch tag +{{custom_tag}} "{{search_term}}"
  • Remove a tag for all messages matching a search term:
    notmuch tag -{{custom_tag}} "{{search_term}}"
  • Count messages matching the given search term:
    notmuch count --output={{messages|threads}} "{{search_term}}"
  • Search for messages matching the given search term:
    notmuch search --format={{json|text}} --output={{summary|threads|messages|files|tags}} "{{search_term}}"
  • Limit the number of search results to X:
    notmuch search --format={{json|text}} --output={{summary|threads|messages|files|tags}} --limit={{X}} "{{search_term}}"
  • Create a reply template for a set of messages:
    notmuch reply --format={{default|headers-only}} --reply-to={{sender|all}} "{{search_term}}"

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.