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git changelog

Generate a changelog report from repository commits and tags. Part of git-extras. More information:
  • Update existing file or create a new file with the commit messages since the latest Git tag:
    git changelog
  • List commits from the current version:
    git changelog --list
  • List a range of commits from the tag named 2.1.0 to now:
    git changelog --list --start-tag {{2.1.0}}
  • List pretty formatted range of commits between the tag 0.5.0 and the tag 1.0.0:
    git changelog --start-tag {{0.5.0}} --final-tag {{1.0.0}}
  • List pretty formatted range of commits between the commit 0b97430 and the tag 1.0.0:
    git changelog --start-commit {{0b97430}} --final-tag {{1.0.0}}
  • Specify as the output file:
    git changelog {{}}
  • Replace contents of current changelog file entirely:
    git changelog --prune-old

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