Enter a command. For example: do release upgrade, lynis, notify send.


Generate IDs, such as snowflakes, UUIDs, and a new GAID. More information:
  • Generate a UUIDv4:
    genid uuid
  • Generate a UUIDv5 using a namespace UUID and a specific name:
    genid uuidv5 {{{ce598faa-8dd0-49ee-8525-9e24fff71dca}}} {{name}}
  • Generate a Discord Snowflake, without a trailing newline (useful in shell scripts):
    genid --script snowflake
  • Generate a Generic Anonymous ID with a specific "real ID":
    genid gaid {{real_id}}
  • Generate a Snowflake with the epoch set to a specific date:
    genid snowflake --epoch={{unix_epoch_time}}

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