Enter a command. For example: dpkg, iftop, dumpe2fs, partx, rdesktop.


Client for sending Wake-on-LAN magic packets. More information:
  • Send a WoL packet to a device:
    wol {{mac_address}}
  • Send a WoL packet to a device in another subnet based on its IP:
    wol --ipaddr={{ip_address}} {{mac_address}}
  • Send a WoL packet to a device in another subnet based on its hostname:
    wol --host={{hostname}} {{mac_address}}
  • Send a WoL packet to a specific port on a host:
    wol --port={{port_number}} {{mac_address}}
  • Read hardware addresses, IP addresses/hostnames, optional ports and SecureON passwords from a file:
    wol --file={{path/to/file}}
  • Turn on verbose output:
    wol --verbose {{mac_address}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.