Enter a command. For example: git create branch, oc, obs, zfs.


Build Virtual Datasets from a list of existing datasets. More information:
  • Make a virtual mosaic from all TIFF files contained in a directory:
    gdalbuildvrt {{path/to/output.vrt}} {{path/to/input_directory/*.tif}}
  • Make a virtual mosaic from files whose name is specified in a text file:
    gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list {{path/to/list.txt}} {{path/to/output.vrt}}
  • Make an RGB virtual mosaic from 3 single-band input files:
    gdalbuildvrt -separate {{path/to/rgb.vrt}} {{path/to/red.tif}} {{path/to/green.tif}} {{path/to/blue.tif}}
  • Make a virtual mosaic with blue background color (RGB: 0 0 255):
    gdalbuildvrt -hidenodata -vrtnodata "{{0 0 255}}" {{path/to/output.vrt}} {{path/to/input_directory/*.tif}}

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