Enter a command. For example: dexter, screenfetch, most, enca.


Viewer/editor for ID3v1 (but not ID3v2) tags of MP3 files. More information:
  • Show all ID3v1 tags of a specific MP3 file:
    mp3info {{path/to/file.mp3}}
  • Edit ID3v1 tags interactively:
    mp3info -i {{path/to/file.mp3}}
  • Set values for ID3v1 tags in a specific MP3 file:
    mp3info -a "{{artist_name}}" -t "{{song_title}}" -l "{{album_title}}" -y {{year}} -c "{{comment_text}}" {{path/to/file.mp3}}
  • Set the number of the track in the album for a specific MP3 file:
    mp3info -n {{track_number}} {{path/to/file.mp3}}
  • Print a list of valid genres and their numeric codes:
    mp3info -G
  • Set the music genre for a specific MP3 file:
    mp3info -g {{genre_number}} {{path/to/file.mp3}}

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