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docker commit

Create a new image from a container’s changes. More information:
  • Create an image from a specific container:
    docker commit {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}
  • Apply a CMD Dockerfile instruction to the created image:
    docker commit --change="CMD {{command}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}
  • Apply an ENV Dockerfile instruction to the created image:
    docker commit --change="ENV {{name}}={{value}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}
  • Create an image with a specific author in the metadata:
    docker commit --author="{{author}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}
  • Create an image with a specific comment in the metadata:
    docker commit --message="{{comment}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}
  • Create an image without pausing the container during commit:
    docker commit --pause={{false}} {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}
  • Display help:
    docker commit --help

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