Enter a command. For example: docker run, gitlab ctl, az account.


NeoMutt command line email client. More information:
  • Open the specified mailbox:
    neomutt -f {{path/to/mailbox}}
  • Start writing an email and specify a subject and a cc recipient:
    neomutt -s "{{subject}}" -c {{}} {{}}
  • Send an email with files attached:
    neomutt -a {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} -- {{}}
  • Specify a file to include as the message body:
    neomutt -i {{path/to/file}} {{}}
  • Specify a draft file containing the header and the body of the message, in RFC 5322 format:
    neomutt -H {{path/to/file}} {{}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.