Enter a command. For example: gvpack, kahlan, pve firewall.


A search tool like grep, optimized for developers. See also: rg, which is much faster. More information:
  • Search for files containing a string or regular expression in the current directory recursively:
    ack "{{search_pattern}}"
  • Search for a case-insensitive pattern:
    ack --ignore-case "{{search_pattern}}"
  • Search for lines matching a pattern, printing [o]nly the matched text and not the rest of the line:
    ack -o "{{search_pattern}}"
  • Limit search to files of a specific type:
    ack --type={{ruby}} "{{search_pattern}}"
  • Do not search in files of a specific type:
    ack --type=no{{ruby}} "{{search_pattern}}"
  • Count the total number of matches found:
    ack --count --no-filename "{{search_pattern}}"
  • Print the file names and the number of matches for each file only:
    ack --count --files-with-matches "{{search_pattern}}"
  • List all the values that can be used with --type:
    ack --help-types

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.