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pio ci

Build PlatformIO projects with an arbitrary source code structure. This will create a new temporary project which the source code will be copied into. More information:
  • Build a PlatformIO project in the default system temporary directory and delete it afterwards:
    pio ci {{path/to/project}}
  • Build a PlatformIO project and specify specific libraries:
    pio ci --lib {{path/to/library_directory}} {{path/to/project}}
  • Build a PlatformIO project and specify a specific board (pio boards lists all of them):
    pio ci --board {{board}} {{path/to/project}}
  • Build a PlatformIO project in a specific directory:
    pio ci --build-dir {{path/to/build_directory}} {{path/to/project}}
  • Build a PlatformIO project and don't delete the build directory:
    pio ci --keep-build-dir {{path/to/project}}
  • Build a PlatformIO project using a specific configuration file:
    pio ci --project-conf {{path/to/platformio.ini}}

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