Enter a command. For example: hardhat, plantuml, paste, kustomize.


Backups MySQL databases. See also mysql for restoring databases. More information:
  • Create a backup (user will be prompted for a password):
    mysqldump --user {{user}} --password {{database_name}} --result-file={{path/to/file.sql}}
  • Backup a specific table redirecting the output to a file (user will be prompted for a password):
    mysqldump --user {{user}} --password {{database_name}} {{table_name}} > {{path/to/file.sql}}
  • Backup all databases redirecting the output to a file (user will be prompted for a password):
    mysqldump --user {{user}} --password --all-databases > {{path/to/file.sql}}
  • Backup all databases from a remote host, redirecting the output to a file (user will be prompted for a password):
    mysqldump --host={(ip_or_hostname)} --user {{user}} --password --all-databases > ({path/to/file.sql}}

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