Enter a command. For example: nethogs, flatpak builder, run mailcap.


DNS enumeration tool. More information:
  • Scan a domain and save the results to a SQLite database:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --db {{path/to/database.sqlite}}
  • Scan a domain, specifying the nameserver and performing a zone transfer:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --name_server {{}} --type axfr
  • Scan a domain, using a brute-force attack and a dictionary of subdomains and hostnames:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --dictionary {{path/to/dictionary.txt}} --type brt
  • Scan a domain, performing a reverse lookup of IP ranges from the SPF record and saving the results to a JSON file:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} -s --json
  • Scan a domain, performing a Google enumeration and saving the results to a CSV file:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} -g --csv
  • Scan a domain, performing DNS cache snooping:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --type snoop --name_server {{}} --dictionary {{path/to/dictionary.txt}}
  • Scan a domain, performing zone walking:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --type zonewalk

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