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ZIP archive password cracking utility. More information:
  • Brute-force a password with a length of 4 to 8 characters, and contains only alphanumeric characters (order matters):
    fcrackzip --brute-force --length 4-8 --charset aA1 {{archive}}
  • Brute-force a password in verbose mode with a length of 3 characters that only contains lowercase characters, $ and %:
    fcrackzip -v --brute-force --length 3 --charset a:$% {{archive}}
  • Brute-force a password that contains only lowercase and special characters:
    fcrackzip --brute-force --length 4 --charset a! {{archive}}
  • Brute-force a password containing only digits, starting from the password 12345:
    fcrackzip --brute-force --length 5 --charset 1 --init-password 12345 {{archive}}
  • Crack a password using a wordlist:
    fcrackzip --use-unzip --dictionary --init-password {{wordlist}} {{archive}}
  • Benchmark cracking performance:
    fcrackzip --benchmark

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