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xml validate

Validate XML documents. More information:
  • Validate one or more XML documents for well-formedness only:
    xml validate {{path/to/input1.xml|URI}} {{input2.xml ...}}
  • Validate one or more XML documents against a Document Type Definition (DTD):
    xml validate --dtd {{path/to/schema.dtd}} {{path/to/input1.xml|URI}} {{input2.xml ...}}
  • Validate one or more XML documents against an XML Schema Definition (XSD):
    xml validate --xsd {{path/to/schema.xsd}} {{path/to/input1.xml|URI}} {{input2.xml ...}}
  • Validate one or more XML documents against a Relax NG schema (RNG):
    xml validate --relaxng {{path/to/schema.rng}} {{path/to/input1.xml|URI}} {{input2.xml ...}}
  • Display help for the validate subcommand:
    xml validate --help

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