Enter a command. For example: nfsstat, choco source, wmic, ipconfig.


Manage the Windows Subsystem for Linux from the command-line. More information:
  • Start a Linux shell (in the default distribution):
    wsl {{shell_command}}
  • Run a Linux command without using a shell:
    wsl --exec {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Specify a particular distribution:
    wsl --distribution {{distribution}} {{shell_command}}
  • List available distributions:
    wsl --list
  • Export a distribution to a .tar file:
    wsl --export {{distribution}} {{path/to/distro_fs.tar}}
  • Import a distribution from a .tar file:
    wsl --import {{distribution}} {{path/to/install_location}} {{path/to/distro_fs.tar}}
  • Change the version of wsl used for the specified distribution:
    wsl --set-version {{distribution}} {{version}}
  • Shut down Windows Subsystem for Linux:
    wsl --shutdown

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.