Enter a command. For example: nmcli, ctr, minicom, dpkg deb, kwrite.


Display text-based dialog boxes from shell scripts. More information:
  • Display a simple message:
    whiptail --title "{{title}}" --msgbox "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}}
  • Display a boolean choice, returning the result through the exit code:
    whiptail --title "{{title}}" --yesno "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}}
  • Customise the text on the yes / no buttons:
    whiptail --title "{{title}}" --yes-button "{{text}}" --no-button "{{text}}" --yesno "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}}
  • Display a text input box:
    {{result_variable_name}}="$(whiptail --title "{{title}}" --inputbox "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} {{default_text}} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)"
  • Display a password input box:
    {{result_variable_name}}="$(whiptail --title "{{title}}" --passwordbox "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)"
  • Display a multiple-choice menu:
    {{result_variable_name}}=$(whiptail --title "{{title}}" --menu "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} {{menu_display_height}} "{{value_1}}" "{{display_text_1}}" "{{value_n}}" "{{display_text_n}}" ..... 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.