Enter a command. For example: guix package, dex, lynis, quotacheck.


PNG image output support for vnStat. More information:
  • Output a summary of the last 2: months, days, and all-time:
    vnstati --summary --iface {{network_interface}} --output {{path/to/output.png}}
  • Output the 10 most traffic-intensive days of all time:
    vnstati --top10 --iface {{network_interface}} --output {{path/to/output.png}}
  • Output monthly traffic statistics from the last 12 months:
    vnstati --months --iface {{network_interface}} --output {{path/to/output.png}}
  • Output hourly traffic statistics from the last 24 hours:
    vnstati --hours --iface {{network_interface}} --output {{path/to/output.png}}

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