Enter a command. For example: pacstrap, stress, add apt repository.


Packet analysis tool, CLI version of Wireshark. More information:
  • Monitor everything on localhost:
  • Only capture packets matching a specific capture filter:
    tshark -f '{{udp port 53}}'
  • Only show packets matching a specific output filter:
    tshark -Y '{{http.request.method == "GET"}}'
  • Decode a TCP port using a specific protocol (e.g. HTTP):
    tshark -d tcp.port=={{8888}},{{http}}
  • Specify the format of captured output:
    tshark -T {{json|text|ps|…}}
  • Select specific fields to output:
    tshark -T {{fields|ek|json|pdml}} -e {{http.request.method}} -e {{ip.src}}
  • Write captured packet to a file:
    tshark -w {{path/to/file}}
  • Analyze packets from a file:
    tshark -r {{filename}}.pcap

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.