Enter a command. For example: jmap, idnits, mosquitto_pub, autopep8.


Run TypeScript code directly, without any compiling. More information:
  • Execute a TypeScript file without compiling (node + tsc):
    ts-node {{path/to/file.ts}}
  • Execute a TypeScript file without loading tsconfig.json:
    ts-node --skip-project {{path/to/file.ts}}
  • Evaluate TypeScript code passed as a literal on the command-line:
    ts-node --eval '{{console.log("Hello World")}}'
  • Execute a TypeScript file in script mode:
    ts-node --script-mode {{path/to/file.ts}}
  • Transpile a TypeScript file to JavaScript without executing it:
    ts-node --transpile-only {{path/to/file.ts}}
  • Display TS-Node help:
    ts-node --help

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