Enter a command. For example: nodenv, gibo, pg_dumpall, view.


Access Todoist from the command-line. More information:
  • Add a task:
    todoist add "{{task_name}}"
  • Add a high priority task with a label, project, and due date:
    todoist add "{{task_name}}" --priority {{1}} --label-ids "{{label_id}}" --project-name "{{project_name}}" --date "{{tmr 9am}}"
  • Add a high priority task with a label, project, and due date in quick mode:
    todoist quick '#{{project_name}} "{{tmr 9am}}" p{{1}} {{task_name}} @{{label_name}}'
  • List all tasks with a header and color:
    todoist --header --color list
  • List all high priority tasks:
    todoist list --filter p{{1}}
  • List today's tasks with high priority that have the specified label:
    todoist list --filter '(@{{label_name}} | {{today}}) & p{{1}}'

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