Enter a command. For example: whois, 7z, gh secret, csslint, pio package.


Simple command-line tool for tagging files. More information:
  • Tag a specific file with multiple tags:
    tmsu tag {{path/to/file.mp3}} {{music}} {{big-jazz}} {{mp3}}
  • Tag multiple files:
    tmsu tag --tags "{{music mp3}}" {{*.mp3}}
  • List tags of specified file(s):
    tmsu tags {{*.mp3}}
  • List files with specified tag(s):
    tmsu files {{big-jazz}} {{music}}
  • List files with tags matching boolean expression:
    tmsu files "{{(year >= 1990 and year <= 2000)}} and {{grunge}}"
  • Mount tmsu virtual filesystem to an existing directory:
    tmsu mount {{path/to/directory}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.