Enter a command. For example: aws rds, vladimyr, forever, salt.

tlmgr info

Show information about TeX Live packages. More information:
  • List all available TeX Live packages, prefexing installed ones with i:
    tlmgr info
  • List all available collections:
    tlmgr info collections
  • List all available schemes:
    tlmgr info scheme
  • Show information about a specific package:
    tlmgr info {{package_name}}
  • List all files contained in a specific package:
    tlmgr info {{package_name}} --list
  • List all installed packages:
    tlmgr info --only-installed
  • Show only specific information about a package:
    tlmgr info {{package_name}} --data "{{name}},{{category}},{{installed}},{{size}},{{depends}},..."
  • Print all available packages as JSON encoded array:
    tlmgr info --json

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