Enter a command. For example: tr, git local commits, mongo.


Execute SQL against structured text like csv or tsv files. More information:
  • Print the lines in the specified .csv file that match a SQL query to stdout:
    textql -sql "{{SELECT * FROM filename}}" {{path/to/filename.csv}}
  • Query .tsv file:
    textql -dlm=tab -sql "{{SELECT * FROM filename}}" {{path/to/filename.tsv}}
  • Query file with header row:
    textql -dlm={{delimiter}} -header -sql "{{SELECT * FROM filename}}" {{path/to/filename.csv}}
  • Read data from stdin:
    cat {{path/to/file}} | textql -sql "{{SELECT * FROM stdin}}"
  • Join two files on a specified common column:
    textql -header -sql "SELECT * FROM {{file1}} JOIN {{file2}} ON {{file1}}.{{c1}} = {{file2}}.{{c1}} LIMIT {{10}}" -output-header {{path/to/file1.csv}} {{path/to/file2.csv}}
  • Format output using an output delimiter with an output header line:
    textql -output-dlm={{delimiter}} -output-header -sql "SELECT {{column}} AS {{alias}} FROM {{filename}}" {{path/to/filename.csv}}

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