Enter a command. For example: at, equery, eix, findmnt, blkid, apt cache.


Package management utility for Synology DiskStation Manager. More information:
  • List the names of installed packages:
    synopkg list --name
  • List packages which depend on a specific package:
    synopkg list --depend-on {{package}}
  • Start/Stop a package:
    sudo synopkg {{start|stop}} {{package}}
  • Print the status of a package:
    synopkg status {{package}}
  • Uninstall a package:
    sudo synopkg uninstall {{package}}
  • Check if updates are available for a package:
    synopkg checkupdate {{package}}
  • Upgrade all packages to the latest version:
    sudo synopkg upgradeall
  • Install a package from a synopkg file:
    sudo synopkg install {{path/to/package.spk}}

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