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Convert STL files into the GTS (GNU triangulated surface library) file format. More information:
  • Convert an STL file to a GTS file:
    stl2gts < {{path/to/file.stl}} > {{path/to/file.gts}}
  • Convert an STL file to a GTS file and revert face normals:
    stl2gts --revert < {{path/to/file.stl}} > {{path/to/file.gts}}
  • Convert an STL file to a GTS file and do not merge vertices:
    stl2gts --nomerge < {{path/to/file.stl}} > {{path/to/file.gts}}
  • Convert an STL file to a GTS file and display surface statistics:
    stl2gts --verbose < {{path/to/file.stl}} > {{path/to/file.gts}}
  • Print help for stl2gts:
    stl2gts --help

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