Enter a command. For example: subfinder, dvc add, ibmcloud login.


Calculate SHA512 cryptographic checksums. More information:
  • Calculate the SHA512 checksum for a file:
    sha512sum {{path/to/file}}
  • Calculate SHA512 checksums for multiple files:
    sha512sum {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}
  • Calculate and save the list of SHA512 checksums to a file:
    sha512sum {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}} > {{path/to/file.sha512}}
  • Read a file of SHA512 sums and verify all files have matching checksums:
    sha512sum --check {{path/to/file.sha512}}
  • Only show a message for missing files or when verification fails:
    sha512sum --check --quiet {{path/to/file.sha512}}
  • Only show a message for files for which verification fails, ignoring missing files:
    sha512sum --ignore-missing --check --quiet {{path/to/file.sha512}}

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