Enter a command. For example: choco, reg restore, finger, choco uninstall.


Attempt to repair or decrypt a damaged BitLocker-encrypted volume. More information:
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume:
    repair-bde {{C:}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume and output to another volume:
    repair-bde {{C:}} {{D:}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume using the provided recovery key file:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -RecoveryKey {{path/to/file.bek}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume using the provided numerical recovery password:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -RecoveryPassword {{password}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume using the provided password:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -Password {{password}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume using the provided key package:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -KeyPackage {{path/to/directory}}
  • Log all output to a specific file:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -LogFile {{path/to/file}}
  • Display all available options:
    repair-bde /?

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