Enter a command. For example: i3lock, smbclient, xed, cryptsetup.


Generate a permuted index of words from one or more text files. More information:
  • Generate a permuted index where the first field of each line is an index reference:
    ptx --references {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a permuted index with automatically generated index references:
    ptx --auto-reference {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a permuted index with a fixed width:
    ptx --width={{width_in_columns}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a permuted index with a list of filtered words:
    ptx --only-file={{path/to/filter}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a permuted index with SYSV-style behaviors:
    ptx --traditional {{path/to/file}}

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