Enter a command. For example: traefik, tlmgr paper, w3m, mysql.


Parallel SSH program. More information:
  • Run a command on two hosts, and print its output on each server inline:
    pssh -i -H "{{host1}} {{host2}}" {{hostname -i}}
  • Run a command and save the output to separate files:
    pssh -H {{host1}} -H {{host2}} -o {{path/to/output_dir}} {{hostname -i}}
  • Run a command on multiple hosts, specified in a new-line separated file:
    pssh -i -h {{path/to/hosts_file}} {{hostname -i}}
  • Run a command as root (this asks for the root password):
    pssh -i -h {{path/to/hosts_file}} -A -l {{root_username}} {{hostname -i}}
  • Run a command with extra SSH arguments:
    pssh -i -h {{path/to/hosts_file}} -x "{{-O VisualHostKey=yes}}" {{hostname -i}}
  • Run a command limiting the number of parallel connections to 10:
    pssh -i -h {{path/to/hosts_file}} -p {{10}} '{{cd dir; ./; exit}}'

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.