Enter a command. For example: nx, piodebuggdb, pueue start.

pio account

Manage your PlatformIO account in the command-line. More information:
  • Register a new PlatformIO account:
    pio account register --username {{username}} --email {{email}} --password {{password}} --firstname {{firstname}} --lastname {{lastname}}
  • Permanently delete your PlatformIO account and related data:
    pio account destroy
  • Log in to your PlatformIO account:
    pio account login --username {{username}} --password {{password}}
  • Log out of your PlatformIO account:
    pio account logout
  • Update your PlatformIO profile:
    pio account update --username {{username}} --email {{email}} --firstname {{firstname}} --lastname {{lastname}} --current-password {{password}}
  • Show detailed information about your PlatformIO account:
    pio account show
  • Reset your password using your username or email:
    pio account forgot --username {{username_or_email}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.