Enter a command. For example: complete, salt call, pve firewall.


A static analysis tool for PHP. More information:
  • Generate a .phan/config.php in the current directory:
    phan --init
  • Generate a Phan configuration file using a specific level (1 being strictest to 5 being the least strict):
    phan --init --init-level {{level}}
  • Analyze the current directory:
  • Analyze one or more directories:
    phan --directory {{path/to/directory}} --directory {{path/to/another_directory}}
  • Specify a config file (defaults to .phan/config.php):
    phan --config-file {{path/to/config.php}}
  • Specify the output mode:
    phan --output-mode {{text|verbose|json|csv|codeclimate|checkstyle|pylint|html}}
  • Specify the number of parallel processes:
    phan --processes {{number_of_processes}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.