Convert PDF document pages to portable Pixmap (image formats). More information: https://manned.org/pdftoppm.
- Specify the range of pages to convert (N-first page, M-last page):
pdftoppm -f {{N}} -l {{M}} {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}
- Convert only the first page of a PDF:
pdftoppm -singlefile {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}
- Generate a monochrome PBM file (instead of a color PPM file):
pdftoppm -mono {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}
- Generate a grayscale PGM file (instead of a color PPM file):
pdftoppm -gray {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}
- Generate a PNG file instead a PPM file:
pdftoppm -png {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}
This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for cheat-sheets.org. All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.