Enter a command. For example: valac, mosquitto_sub, virtualenv.


Generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors. More information:
  • Convert colors from one format to another. Here from RGB to HSL:
    pastel format {{hsl}} {{ff8000}}
  • Show and analyze colors on the terminal:
    pastel color "{{rgb(255,50,127)}}"
  • Pick a color from somewhere on the screen:
    pastel pick
  • Generate a set of N visually distinct colors:
    pastel distinct {{8}}
  • Get a list of all X11 / CSS color names:
    pastel list

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.