Enter a command. For example: meteor, git fsck, vdir, gem, scala.


A command-line tool for interacting with Particle devices. More information:
  • Log in or create an account for the Particle CLI:
    particle setup
  • Display a list of devices:
    particle list
  • Create a new Particle project interactively:
    particle project create
  • Compile a Particle project:
    particle compile {{device_type}} {{path/to/source_code.ino}}
  • Update a device to use a specific app remotely:
    particle flash {{device_name}} {{path/to/program.bin}}
  • Update a device to use the latest firmware via serial:
    particle flash --serial {{path/to/firmware.bin}}
  • Execute a function on a device:
    particle call {{device_name}} {{function_name}} {{function_arguments}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.