Enter a command. For example: ghci, git update index, sh, llvm ar.


An OpenPGP key archiver. More information:
  • Take a specific secret key and generate a text file with the secret data:
    paperkey --secret-key {{path/to/secret_key.gpg}} --output {{path/to/secret_data.txt}}
  • Take the secret key data in secret_data.txt and combine it with the public key to reconstruct the secret key:
    paperkey --pubring {{path/to/public_key.gpg}} --secrets {{path/to/secret_data.txt}} --output {{secret_key.gpg}}
  • Export a specific secret key and generate a text file with the secret data:
    gpg --export-secret-key {{key}} | paperkey --output {{path/to/secret_data.txt}}

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