Enter a command. For example: mssh, mkfs.exfat, mkfs.fat, lxc profile.


Wrapper script for GnuPG used to manage pacman's keyring. More information:
  • Initialize the pacman keyring:
    sudo pacman-key --init
  • Add the default ArchLinux keys:
    sudo pacman-key --populate {{archlinux}}
  • List keys from the public keyring:
    pacman-key --list-keys
  • Add the specified keys:
    sudo pacman-key --add {{path/to/keyfile.gpg}}
  • Receive a key from a key server:
    sudo pacman-key --recv-keys "{{uid|name|email}}"
  • Print the fingerprint of a specific key:
    pacman-key --finger "{{uid|name|email}}"
  • Sign an imported key locally:
    sudo pacman-key --lsign-key "{{uid|name|email}}"
  • Remove a specific key:
    sudo pacman-key --delete "{{uid|name|email}}"

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.