Convert geospatial vector data between file formats. More information: https://gdal.org/programs/ogr2ogr.html.
- Convert a Shapefile into a GeoPackage:
ogr2ogr -f GPKG {{path/to/output}}.gpkg {{path/to/input}}.shp
- Reduce a GeoJSON to features matching a condition:
ogr2ogr -where '{{myProperty > 42}}' -f {{GeoJSON}} {{path/to/output.geojson}} {{path/to/input.geojson}}
- Change coordinate reference system of a GeoPackage from
:ogr2ogr -s_srs {{EPSG:4326}} -t_srs {{EPSG:3857}} -f GPKG {{path/to/output}}.gpkg {{path/to/input}}.gpkg
- Convert a CSV file into a GeoPackage, specifying the names of the coordinate columns and assigning a coordinate reference system:
ogr2ogr -f GPKG {{path/to/output}}.gpkg {{path/to/input}}.csv -oo X_POSSIBLE_NAMES={{longitude}} -oo Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES={{latitude}} -a_srs {{EPSG:4326}}
- Load a GeoPackage into a PostGIS database:
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:dbname="{{database_name}}" {{path/to/input}}.gpkg
- Clip layers of a GeoPackage file to the given bounding box:
ogr2ogr -spat {{min_x}} {{min_y}} {{max_x}} {{max_y}} -f GPKG {{path/to/output}}.gpkg {{path/to/input}}.gpkg
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