Enter a command. For example: clear, tea, cmp, in2csv, slackcat.


Index and search emails from a local Maildir. More information:
  • Initialize the email database, optionally specifying the Maildir directory and email addresses:
    mu init --maildir={{path/to/directory}} --my-address={{}}
  • Index new emails:
    mu index
  • Find messages using a specific keyword (in message body, subject, sender, ...):
    mu find {{keyword}}
  • Find messages to Alice with subject jellyfish containing the words apples or oranges:
    mu find to:{{alice}} subject:{{jellyfish}} {{apples}} OR {{oranges}}
  • Find unread messages about words starting with soc (the * only works at the end of the search term) in the Sent Items folder:
    mu find 'subject:{{soc}}*' flag:{{unread}} maildir:'/{{Sent Items}}'
  • Find messages from Sam with attached images, between 2 KiB and 2 MiB, written in 2021:
    mu find 'mime:{{image/*}} size:{{2k..2m}} date:{{20210101..20211231}} from:{{sam}}
  • List contacts with Bob in either name or email address:
    mu cfind {{Bob}}

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