Enter a command. For example: kubetail, git bisect, nkf, x_x.


Mobile Shell (mosh) is a robust and responsive replacement for SSH. mosh persists connections to remote servers while roaming between networks. More information:
  • Connect to a remote server:
    mosh {{username}}@{{remote_host}}
  • Connect to a remote server with a specific identity (private key):
    mosh --ssh="ssh -i {{path/to/key_file}}" {{username}}@{{remote_host}}
  • Connect to a remote server using a specific port:
    mosh --ssh="ssh -p {{2222}}" {{username}}@{{remote_host}}
  • Run a command on a remote server:
    mosh {{remote_host}} -- {{command -with -flags}}
  • Select Mosh UDP port (useful when {{remote_host}} is behind a NAT):
    mosh -p {{124}} {{username}}@{{remote_host}}
  • Usage when mosh-server binary is outside standard path:
    mosh --server={{path/to/bin/}}mosh-server {{remote_host}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.