Enter a command. For example: in toto run, cargo test, git ignore.

kubectl logs

Show logs for containers in a pod. More information:
  • Show logs for a single-container pod:
    kubectl logs {{pod_name}}
  • Show logs for a specified container in a pod:
    kubectl logs --container {{container_name}} {{pod_name}}
  • Show logs for all containers in a pod:
    kubectl logs --all-containers={{true}} {{pod_name}}
  • Stream pod logs:
    kubectl logs --follow {{pod_name}}
  • Stream logs for a specified container in a pod:
    kubectl logs --follow --container {{container_name}} {{pod_name}}
  • Show pod logs newer than a relative time like 10s, 5m, or 1h:
    kubectl logs --since={{relative_time}} {{pod_name}}
  • Show the 10 most recent logs in a pod:
    kubectl logs --tail={{10}} {{pod_name}}

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