Enter a command. For example: exec, jello, ogr2ogr, ant, true, darkhttpd.


Command-line interface for creating and managing Kubernetes clusters. More information:
  • Create a Kubernetes master node:
    kubeadm init
  • Bootstrap a Kubernetes worker node and join it to a cluster:
    kubeadm join --token {{token}}
  • Create a new bootstrap token with a TTL of 12 hours:
    kubeadm token create --ttl {{12h0m0s}}
  • Check if the Kubernetes cluster is upgradeable and which versions are available:
    kubeadm upgrade plan
  • Upgrade Kubernetes cluster to a specified version:
    kubeadm upgrade apply {{version}}
  • View the kubeadm ConfigMap containing the cluster's configuration:
    kubeadm config view
  • Revert changes made to the host by 'kubeadm init' or 'kubeadm join':
    kubeadm reset

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