Enter a command. For example: lpr, deno, satis, pueue remove.


Apache Kafka producer and consumer tool. More information:
  • Consume messages starting with the newest offset:
    kafkacat -C -t {{topic}} -b {{brokers}}
  • Consume messages starting with the oldest offset and exit after the last message is received:
    kafkacat -C -t {{topic}} -b {{brokers}} -o beginning -e
  • Consume messages as a Kafka consumer group:
    kafkacat -G {{group_id}} {{topic}} -b {{brokers}}
  • Publish message by reading from stdin:
    echo {{message}} | kafkacat -P -t {{topic}} -b {{brokers}}
  • Publish messages by reading from a file:
    kafkacat -P -t {{topic}} -b {{brokers}} {{path/to/file}}
  • List metadata for all topics and brokers:
    kafkacat -L -b {{brokers}}
  • List metadata for a specific topic:
    kafkacat -L -t {{topic}} -b {{brokers}}
  • Get offset for a topic/partition for a specific point in time:
    kafkacat -Q -t {{topic}}:{{partition}}:{{unix_timestamp}} -b {{brokers}}

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