Enter a command. For example: lpinfo, timew, diffoscope, pandoc.


Open source load testing tool and SaaS for engineering teams. More information:
  • Run load test locally:
    k6 run {{script.js}}
  • Run load test locally with a given number of virtual users and duration:
    k6 run --vus {{10}} --duration {{30s}} {{script.js}}
  • Run load test locally with a given environment variable:
    k6 run -e {{}} {{script.js}}
  • Run load test locally using InfluxDB to store results:
    k6 run --out influxdb={{http://localhost:8086/k6db}} {{script.js}}
  • Run load test locally and discard response bodies (significantly faster):
    k6 run --discard-response-bodies {{script.js}}
  • Run load test locally using the base JavaScript compatibility mode (significantly faster):
    k6 run --compatibility-mode=base {{script.js}}
  • Log in to cloud service using secret token:
    k6 login cloud --token {{secret}}
  • Run load test on cloud infrastructure:
    k6 cloud {{script.js}}

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.