Enter a command. For example: xpdf, box, atq, s, local, aws secretsmanager.


A command-line JSON processor that uses a domain-specific language. More information:
  • Execute a specific expression (print a colored and formatted json):
    {{cat path/to/file.json}} | jq '{{.}}'
  • Execute a specific script:
    {{cat path/to/file.json}} | jq --from-file {{path/to/script.jq}}
  • Pass specific arguments:
    {{cat path/to/file.json}} | jq {{--arg "name1" "value1" --arg "name2" "value2" ...}} '{{. + $ARGS.named}}'
  • Print specific keys:
    {{cat path/to/file.json}} | jq '{{.key1, .key2, ...}}'
  • Print specific array items:
    {{cat path/to/file.json}} | jq '{{.[index1], .[index2], ...}}'
  • Print all array items/object keys:
    {{cat path/to/file.json}} | jq '.[]'
  • Add/remove specific keys:
    {{cat path/to/file.json}} | jq '{{.}} {{+|-}} {{{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", ...}}}'

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.