Enter a command. For example: assoc, subst, cls, cinst, tasklist.


Performs conditional processing in batch scripts. More information:
  • Execute the specified commands if the condition is true:
    if {{condition}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Execute the specified commands if the condition is false:
    if not {{condition}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Execute the first specified commands if the condition is true otherwise execute the second specified commands:
    if {{condition}} ({{echo Condition is true}}) else ({{echo Condition is false}})
  • Check whether %errorlevel% is greater than or equal to the specified exit code:
    if errorlevel {{exit_code}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Check whether two strings are equal:
    if %{{variable}}% == {{string}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Check whether two strings are equal without respecting letter case:
    if /i %{{variable}}% == {{string}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Check whether a file exist:
    if exist {{path/to/file}} ({{echo Condition is true}})

This is a tldr pages (source, CC BY 4.0) web wrapper for All commands, popular commands, most used linux commands. Referrals. Progressive Web Application (PWA) version to install on your device.